Mindsavers FAQs

Executive Summary of Mindsaver Service

Our firm is pleased that you have selected us to assist you with your needs.  Mindsavers are the firm’s system of automated notifications.  This service was developed to lower the cost of
your services by automating reminders.  Our clients save money because we have lessened the need to invoice for the customary service of “getting the file, reviewing it, calling the client, etc.”  The
notices come to you automatically. IMPORTANT: A lower alert rating is relative.  A lower alert rating does not mean the reminder is unimportant: for example, it could mean that the reminder does not hold a definitive deadline after which there is a definitive consequence.  Anything requested of you or communicated to you by Mindsavers should be considered important.  Moreover, anything requested from us should be considered urgent, because, if some event does actually occur in the interim, there could be serious consequences.  Please take all reminders seriously and endeavor to respond to all requests with urgency and priority of importance.

Please contact your team members with any specific questions.

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Who is on my Responsible Team:

For every account at the firm, you are assigned a client team.  Optionally, the firm may assign an additional team for specific projects, such as trademark prosecution, or litigation.  Your team is probably identified by the email addressee list to which this Mindsaver has been sent.

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If I receive a Mindsaver, am I a client?

Not necessarily, and only if you signed the firm’s standard engagement letter.  Most of our clients receive these emails as part of the professional service we offer.  However, sometimes we will add non-clients to the distribution list for automated emails as a convenience, or for other reasons.  You are only a client of the firm if you have engaged the firm and signed the firm’s written engagement letter, paid any required retainer in immediately available funds, and only if you also received a personal (non-automated) email confirmation back from the firm specifically indicating that we have accepted the engagement and that you are a client of the firm.  Even after receiving the engagement letter form and receiving retainer funds, the firm reserves the right to reject any engagement until it sends the personal (non-automated) written acceptance of the engagement; if any funds were received, they will be immediately returned.  The reason for this requirement is because sometimes a potential client will fill out the engagement form to lock up the firm (e.g., as leverage against an adversary) without paying the retainer, shop, or will wait until a deadline to complete the transaction, none of which scenarios is ultimately acceptable to the firm.  Potential clients must manage the situation in a protective manner until the firm actually accepts the engagement in the personal (non-automated) written acceptance, before which time the firm has no professional responsibility.

What is the difference between Mindsavers and MarkAssures?

Mindsavers are the firm’s proprietary method of notifying you of various events.  If you are a client (who has specifically engaged the firm in writing through the firm’s engagement procedures), Mindsavers are sent to you regarding issues relating to your account.  MarkAssure is a branded intellectual property notification system, such as your trademarks and branding issues.

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Is there an extra charge for the Mindsaver service:

No.  Mindsavers are part of our firm’s standard business operations; accordingly, we are pleased that the service adds value for you without any additional charge.  Mindsavers are not part of the MarkAssure intellectual property monitoring system.  The firm offers the MarkAssure Premium system for monitoring that is a paid subscription.  Contact your team members for more information, if you have intellectual property (eg, trademarks, product/service brands) to protect.

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How should I respond to Mindsavers:

You may or may not need to respond to this Mindsaver.  Sometimes, Mindsavers are merely informational; sometimes, they are reminders about issues regarding which you should coordinate with the firm.

You can respond by e-mail to mindsaver@zegarelli.com, but it is often more efficient to respond by e-mail directly to one of the responsible team members identified above. Accordingly, for faster service, please contact a team member identified above.

When responding by e-mail, please convey any necessary update information and indicate whether the Mindsaver notice should remain as-is, be marked as ‘finished’ or should be amended in some way (especially with regard to the frequency of the automated notices).  Tailoring the Mindsaver notices to your exact requirements is important.  These messages yield added value to our services. However, because the information contained in Mindsavers is automatically generated for your convenience, you should not rely on Mindsavers as the sole method by which you track important dates and deadlines.  You are responsible for maintaining accurate information in our records, including your most current email address.

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This Mindsaver is an old or outdated item:

If you receive a Mindsaver that is for an item that you know has been handled or is outdated, the most likely reason is that the automated system ran the Mindsaver before the staff could update the Mindsaver docketing system.  Chances are that we discovered it when we received the email notice.  However, you are encouraged to contact team member about it to confirm the status.

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The heading indicates that my account is Hold, Inactive or Separated.

PLEASE COMMUNICATE DIRECTLY WITH YOUR RESPONSIBLE ATTORNEY OR TEAM: WITHOUT IMPLYING THAT THE FIRM IS OTHERWISE RESPONSIBLE FOR THESE ITEMS, THESE INDICATORS FURTHER CONFIRM MEAN THAT THE FIRM IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE REFERENCED ITEMS.  An indication of separation often means that we have separated your account from the firm.  Please contact a team member about it to confirm; however, please be advised that we do not undertake services unless a new engagement letter is executed by you and our firm.  Accordingly, you may not rely upon oral discussions.  Also, you should proceed with the understanding that we will not accept responsibility for services at the deadline.

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Do I still need to track my deadlines?

Yes.  These messages yield added value to our services.  However, because the information contained in Mindsavers is automatically generated for your convenience, you should not rely on Mindsavers as the sole method by which you track important dates and deadlines.  Also, you are responsible for maintaining accurate information in our records, including your most current email address.  The system generates notices to email addresses only; if you do not maintain a current email address on file with our office, you will not receive Mindsavers.

Our office has or is phasing out physical post letters to our clients regarding reminders.  You must maintain an email address with our office as part of your client engagement.  Our firm continues to be a leader in automated technology notifications to our clients.

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